Monday, September 29, 2008


Okay people.. simple simple simple rule that you should be able to understand.

you dont actually have to wait for the bus to be at a full stop with the doors open before you begin your exit procedure.
Yes I understand, people carrying stuff, accompanied by kids, less mobile people, you perhaps all need to wait. But I am talking about you. the 18 year old with nothing in her hands. WHY WHY WHY do you wait every single day for the bus to stop and open its doors before getting up? Its transit, not a freakin school bus... what the hell is your problem? You and every single other person do realize that its because of people like you we will never actually have rapid transit in this city right? Oh yeah I see you waiting 10 feet back from the bus stop, waiting for the bus to come to a full stop and open its doors before you get on.

Were you all traumatized by the same bus driver growing up? Did he beat you if you moved when the bus was moving? If so.. get some help.. and stay the frick off my bus until you do. I timed you guys this morning. You know how much longer you made my commute? 4 minutes, 13 seconds. All because you are to ignorant to be courteous enough to enter and exit the bus in a timely manner.

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